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Friday, June 19, 2020

Interview questions and answers for Teacher


         This article includes   how to pass a Primary School Teacher interview questions and answers. And in particular, I'm going to give you a important tips to make sure you prepare effectively. And more importantly, I'm going to give you a number of primary teacher interview questions and top-scoring answers. Now, in preparation for your primary teacher interview, we need to make sure that you demonstrate the following key skills and attributes – let’s work through them. You have to demonstrate an ability to develop and deliver strong lesson plans that allow for engaging and inclusive learning - so that's learning for everybody within the class. You also have to demonstrate an ability to motivate your students with imaginative lessons and classes. You have to include parents and careers in the development of their child by providing them with appropriate and constructive feedback. You will have to mark and assess work in a timely manner. This is in addition to your teaching duties to ensure each student can progress based on your feedback. Also, you have to keep up-to-date with primary educational developments and you also have to take responsibility for your own CPD, which is Continuous Professional Development. And finally, being flexible, you have to demonstrate a flexible and supportive approach to your teaching duties. So, you need to work long and difficult hours at times, but also support other teachers to help them deliver on the educational objectives of the school or the establishment you're working for. Now, in all of the primary teacher interview questions and answers that are in the below, I've made sure I've included all of those skills and attributes to ensure that you pass your interview. So, let's get straight into it.

Ø Tell me about yourself and why you think you'll make a good primary teacher?

         I am an extremely passionate teacher who decided to get into this profession because of the skills and qualities I possess that are a match for the role. I am hard-working, I always put the welfare and education of my students at the core of everything I do, and I always work tirelessly to give them the best possible start in life through the education I provide as a Primary Teacher. I will make a good Primary Teacher because I have the ability to build strong relationships with my students and their parents. I am kind, patient and caring, and above all, I am totally dedicated to the teaching profession which I feel will be a positive influence on my style of teaching and the results that it brings.

Ø Why have you chosen our school to become a primary teacher?

         I have chosen your school because of the strong reputation it has within the community and it is also clear, from my research that you strive to deliver the highest standards of education possible. Everyone I have spoken to about your school have all had nothing but positive comments to say, and on that basis, I feel this school is the one where I can continually grow and develop as a Primary Teacher. There is a huge amount of responsibility that comes with being a Primary Teacher, and I only want to work within a school that is a match for my own work ethics, standards and values.

Ø What are the core values you would apply in your teaching?

           The three core values I would apply whilst teaching would be inclusion, honesty and hard work. It is essential that all students are made to feel valued, appreciated and that their education and development is important. I would also make sure that the student’s parents are informed and kept up-to-date in the progress of their child’s educational development. In respect of honesty; it is crucial the right standards are met, especially when teaching children of such a young influential age. Finally, if you teach children the importance of hard work and determination through your work as a teacher, this will have a positive impact on their future education and instill the importance of working hard, and professionally, in everything you do.

Ø What do you think makes a good primary teacher?

         I believe there a number of things that all combine to make a good, competent Primary Teacher. These are making sure the students feel confident to speak during class where they can ask any questions they want to. This is important because, historically, students and pupils don’t always feel confident enough to ask important questions, meaning they end up missing an important aspect of the lesson. A good Primary Teacher will also understand that everyone learns at a different pace, and on that basis, progress must be measured individually as opposed to being on a ‘whole class’ basis. It is important that everyone progresses, but at a pace that is suitable and applicable to their own style of learning and ability. Finally, a good Primary Teacher makes lessons interesting, inclusive and enjoyable. The more enjoyable education is, the more willing to learn the students will be.

Ø Tell me about a time when you received criticism about your style of teaching?

        I've never actually been criticized.And they think that is the right answer, to say that you've never been criticized. But here is the correct way to answer this. I haven’t been criticized often; however, when I first started out in teaching an experienced teacher who had been at the school for a long period of time was assessing me during my first few lessons. This was common practice at the school to make sure all teachers were not only adhering to the school curriculum, but that their style of teaching was applicable to all students. At the end of the first lesson, the teacher raised two important improvement areas with me. The first was the pace of teaching – I was basically too fast, and I needed to slow down. The second area of improvement was the fact that I didn’t confirm the teaching points often enough with the students. I took the feedback onboard and started to implement these important aspects in future lessons. I am someone that, despite now being experienced as a Primary Teacher, is always looking to improve and develop and I see constructive feedback as an important part of being maintaining competence in my role.

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